

Organic Bakery Zemanka
Oříkov 29
264 01 Sedlčany

IČ: 29145422
DIČ: CZ29145422

The company is registered under file number C 203721
at the Municipal Court in Prague

Bank details: 2007259233/0800 Česká spořitelna, a.s.

Export manager


Company management

Jan Zeman

managing director

+420 605 292 802

Barbora Vaňková

operations manager + invoicing

+420 733 116 420

Aleš Kadleček

business manager

+420 731 678 258

Lenka Kadlečková

export manager

+420 606 749 123

Šárka Kváčová

social media

+420 602 144 474

Lucie Tancibudková

project manager

+420 702 146 946

Kateřina Hrmová


+420 606 079 191

Ondřej Tancibudek

+420 720 966 437

Production and quality

Iva Kopcová

head of production

+420 606 305 761

Hana Housová

head of expedition

+420 702 180 127

Lukáš Nuhlíček

quality manager